Tuesday, April 28, 2009

View from McDonald Observatory

Part of the experience of going to the famed McDonald Observatory outside Fort Davis is the climb through the Davis Mountains to Mt. Locke. Visitors drive through the mountains, going higher and higher in elevation until beautiful vistas open to view. McDonald Observatory is one of the premier attractions in the region for visitors, but getting there is also a treat, as you takes you on the famed Scenic Loop, one of the best drives (and bike rides and motorcycle rides!) in the state.

For more information about visiting McDonald Observatory, click here.

For information about cycling in the region, visit www.texasmountaintrail.com/bike

For information about favorite motorcycle rides in the region, visit www.texasmountaintrail.com/motorcycle

Thanks to Matt Walter, Curator of History at the Museum of the Big Bend in Alpine for this great photo!

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