Friday, May 29, 2009

Presidio Students Paint Big Bend Ranch State Park and show in LONDON!

Artwork created by Presidio High School art students (assembled here at Fort Leaton State Historic Site) will be on display at the Saatchi Art Gallery in London, England this summer. To view the artwork at the Saatchi gallery online, click here.

We'll feature the students and their paintings all summer, check back for the postings! (We'll feature one student a week, give or take a day or two!)

Presidio High School was chosen from other schools around the world in a competition that is overseen by the Saatchi Art Gallery. These 11 student works are centered around the beauty of the Big Bend region, focusing on the Big Bend Ranch State Park and Ft Leaton.

Laurie Holman is the art teacher at Presidio High School. “I am an artist as well as an art teacher. I have lived in the Big Bend for 15 years and my love of the rugged beauty is often reflected in my artwork.

"I tell them to paint what they know, to see their surroundings in a new and different way. So, this is what they did and with great success. I had heard about the Saatchi online gallery and thought I might enter the students work to share a little bit of Texas. We are bringing the Big Bend Ranch to the rest of the world!"

To visit the Texas Parks and Wildlife sites for Big Bend Ranch State Park and Fort Leaton, click here and here.

To learn more about Presidio schools, click here.

To visit the website of artist/teacher Laurie Holman, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! That is quite an opportunity for those kids! That is great!
