Thursday, June 25, 2009

Big Bend Ranch Paintings in London: Genaro Galindo

Fifteen year old, Genaro Galindo, is displaying his painting, "Playboy," in London at the Saatchi Art Gallery. His work, along with other Presidio High School student artwork in the show is inspired by Big Bend Ranch State Park.

"I was inspired because I love horses. This came from a photograph of a horse out at Big Bend Ranch that one of the vaqueros ride which represents my Mexican culture," said Genaro. The Presidio High School student has studied art for a year, and enjoys working with pastels and oil paints.

Presidio High School was chosen from other schools around the world in a competition that is overseen by the Saatchi Art Gallery. These 11 student works are centered around the beauty of the Big Bend region, focusing in on the Big Bend Ranch State Park and Fort Leaton. Art teacher, Laurie Holman, says, "I tell them to paint what they know, to see their surroundings in a new and different way. So, this is what they did and with great success."

For more information on Big Bend Ranch State Park, click here and here.

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