Monday, June 08, 2009

Leggett Week: Horned Lizard

Texas' official state reptile, the Horned Lizard (or horny toad) was captured by this week's featured photographer, David Lee Leggett. This amiable reptile is a favorite of Texans, but it has disappeared from many areas of its previous range. Texas Parks and Wildlife has more information here.

You can see more of Leggett's work at his website, Leggett currently lives in Dallas, but is a frequent visitor to West Texas.

To learn more about Horned Lizards, plan to visit one of our regional nature centers when you're in West Texas. Check them out here, on the Texas Mountain Trail website.

1 comment:

  1. Stunning........David's work leaves you speechless and very appreciative of all things in natur through his eyes.

    D + J
