Thursday, February 11, 2010

Gorgeous Ocotillo, part 1-Big Bend Ranch State Park

Here's another lovely shot of Big Bend Ranch State Park from our Facebook and Twitter friend, Derrick Birdsall.  Derrick says, "if you like rugged territory where you'd better know how to read a map, compass and GPS - as well as critters in the wild," the best place is "the state park as far as I'm concerned."

Please visit Derrick's blog for more great photography!

1 comment:

  1. The last time I was in Big Bend Country (Nov '09) was the first time I'd been there in all of my trips that I wasn't afraid of either dying of thirst or starving in an emergency. Tons of water, deer, javelina and ducks!

    As it was, everything was just simply wonderful to look at and observe. ;)

    Thanks for the link!
