Thursday, February 04, 2010

Road to Sauceda, Big Bend Ranch State Park

We want to thank one of our Facebook fans, Derrick Birdsall, for sharing this wonderful shot of Big Bend Ranch State Park, taken along the road to Sauceda Ranch.  Lovely, isn't it?  You can see more of Derrick's wonderful images here.

To learn more about Big Bend Ranch State Park, click here.

Join us as a Fan of Texas Mountain Trail Region on Facebook!  We'd love to have you!  It is an easy way to get links and recommendations for fun places in Far West Texas.


  1. Thanks so much for the linkback, ya'll have been on my blogroll since I found ya online!

    Glad you liked the photo, too. :)

  2. You're most welcome, d. We will enjoy following your blog and (hopefully and with your permission) post more of your photos! Would that be okay?
