Friday, November 19, 2010

Mexican Revolution historical walking tour in El Paso, part 2!

Here's another stop on the Mexican Revolution tour of El Paso from the El Paso Times....just down the street from yesterday's entry.  This beautiful building is located at 301 S. El Paso Street, and was the location for the Shelton-Payne Arms Company and the Charles Hotel.  According to the paper, "The Shelton-Payne Arms Company supplied arms and ammunition to all factions. Archival records show that the company had assets exceeding $1.1 million dollars in 1913. The Merrick Building, which housed the company, was constructed in 1887."

Be sure to click through to the El Paso Times' special section on the Mexican hear an audio clip with more information about this important historical site.While in El Paso, don't miss the Museum of History's terrific exhibit on the city's role in the revolution.

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