Saturday, December 18, 2010

Our signs, and an invitation to you!

Have you seen our Texas Mountain Trail road signs and wondered about them?  Have you taken a photo of any of them?  If you have, we'd like to see them...they could be simple shots, or ones enhanced like the one sent to us by Ted Bell of Little Rock, AR!  (Thanks, Ted!)

You could post your photos to our Facebook page, !  We'd like to see them!

The signs were a part of a Texas promotions program centered around Hemisfair '68.  From our website, here's the history:
 " based around 10 scenic driving trails created in 1968 by Gov. John Connally and the Texas Highway Department as a marketing tool. The trails were established in conjunction with the HemisFair, an international exposition that commemorated the 250th anniversary of the founding of San Antonio.
In 1997, the Texas Historical Commission (THC) was charged by the State Legislature to create a statewide heritage tourism program. The THC based their program on the original driving trails, creating ten heritage regions: Brazos Trail Region, Forest Trail Region, Forts Trail Region, Hill Country Trail Region, Lakes Trail Region, Independence Trail Region, Mountain Trail Region, Pecos Trail Region, Plains Trail Region and Tropical Trail Region."

To read more about our history and our program, click here.

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