Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Slideshow of Hospital Canyon Trail at Fort Davis National Historic Site

Yesterday we headed out to Fort Davis to hike the Hospital Canyon Trail at Fort Davis National Historic Site.  This is a short (1 mile to the boundary with Davis Mountains State Park) but moderately challenging hike that offers beautiful vistas and a satisfying workout!  Click here to see a slideshow of views from the trail!   The trail begins behind the Fort's hospital complex, which is being restored to show the "state of the art" of military medicine in the 1870s.  It is an adobe structure built on a stone foundation, and was the site for taking care of soldiers, mostly suffering from disease and injury, not battle wounds.  To read more about the history of the hospital, click here.

Click here to read a fascinating history of the Fort!

Click here to reach our regional hiking page with information about additional trails in Far West Texas!

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