Wednesday, January 05, 2011

A special message for our 1000th post!

Wow, we're at 1000 posts for the Texas Mountain Trail Daily Photo Blog!  We've been thinking of a special post to celebrate this here goes:

If you're a fan of the Big Bend, take note.  If you respect the work of the men and women of our Armed Forces, listen up.

Find a few minutes alone, then click on this link to watch a videoIt will be the best thing you do all day.  You'll go on a river trip with veterans.  You'll go to Santa Elena Canyon in Big Bend.

We're so pleased to take this opportunity to introduce you to ActiVets, a program that takes veterans surviving the wounds of war--particularly post-traumatic stress syndrome--to the Big Bend.  Their motto?  "Healing the Wounds of War with Wilderness." 

You know what a trip to the wilderness can do for us in your own life...turns out it can really make an impact with those who are suffering from the effects of war.  River trips have the ability to heal.  So does the quiet and the beauty of the Rio Grande and our Chihuahuan Desert.  So does companionship of other recovering soldiers.  That's why we want you to know about ActiVets. They say the need is acute and growing as more and more of our soldiers are coming back hurt.  If you haven't already, please click here to go to their website to read more.
Consider this quote from a participating soldier:

"I would like to once again thank you for the experience I had in the park. My wife sees a difference in me. Even my kids and I have bonded.  I often think of those 4 days. I didn't know it would have such an impact on my life. I laugh more, I do not feel like hurting people anymore. I am back in school now, and I am doing good in my subjects. . ."

ActiVets is doing important work.  They'd appreciate your help.  Please consider sharing our favorite place in the world--the Texas Mountains--with a soldier.

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