Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Preservation Success Story: Fort Davis National Historic Site

This is good news!  The Conservation Fund announced a deal has been finalized to transfer ownership of a 48 acre bluff overlooking Fort Davis National Historic Site to the National Park Service, thereby preserving the character of this impressive and historic location in Fort DavisYou can read the full story here in the Alpine Avalanche; and more about the sale is here.  The sale is the result of the hard work and advocacy of many in Fort Davis and around the country over four years.

Fort Davis National Historic Site is perhaps the best preserved frontier fort in the west, and tells the story of the post-Civil War era and the story of African American soldiers of the time.

You can read more about African American history in Texas, here!
To see a list of African American historic sites in the Texas Mountain Trail region, click here to go to the Texas Historical Commission's webpage.

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