Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Brilliance of Mexican Redbud at Davis Mountains Lodge and Expeditions

Our spring flowers are a bit late this year, perhaps because of our hard freezes in January or our dry fall, but there are a few places ablaze with color.  Here's the Mexican Redbud tree in glorious pink, at the front door of the Davis Mountains Lodge and Expeditions in Fort Davis

The Lodge provides B&B lodging for guests, organizes custom trips for groups and individuals and conducts Road Scholar trips (formerly known as Elderhostel) across Texas and the Southwest.  Here's a link to their Road Scholar trips.  Want to learn more about these trips?  Listen in on a radio interview, On the Road with Lisa D.
They're also one of our Texas Mountain Trail cycle-friendly properties.  Here's a listing of their cycle-friendly features:  comfortable cabins and healthy meals (at a great price) for your cycling group, sag support and shuttles, pre-arranged water stops, snacks or meals delivered or served on your route, skilled bike mechanic and wilderness first aid responder, and more.

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