Sunday, April 10, 2011

As Day Breaks...

As day breaks this Sunday morning, we're safe in Marfa and awaiting word from the other communities in the region, particularly Fort Davis, to see how they fared last night in the face of wildfire. 

We know homes and many acres of ranchland were consumed in the fast moving fires yesterday and through the night.  We've heard no reports of human injury or death, that's the good news.

The best sources of information through yesterday and last night were Marfa Public Radio and Big Bend Now, the online component of Marfa's newspaper, the Big Bend Sentinel.

Marfa Public Radio ( continued their coverage online after they lost broacast capability.  They were also on Facebook and on Twitter, @MarfaPublicRadio.  Big Bend Now, also provided excellent coverage of the fires yesterday.  For news, please check with these fine, hard-working folks who've helped keep us informed, and therefore safe.

There are two additional Facebook pages with many posts from the community and even more from folks asking questions about the scope of the fires.   If you're on FB, they are @BigBendFires and @Fort Davis Fires

We'll try to report as soon as we can on the fate of our lovely mountain region, including sharing photos, but our focus will be on helping friends in anyway we can.

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