Monday, April 11, 2011


Today, we want to feature places in Fort Davis that survived the fire this weekend.  This small community will need a few days to get the power back on and get life organized again, but they'll NEED you to come back and see them.  You've read reports of a blackened landscape, yet it is important to realize ecosystem is very forgiving when it comes to fire.  A rain or two will get some green growing again, and the rebound will be swift and amazing...and Fort Davis will need you to come back and SEE that amazing rebound.  And as is usual with visits to Fort'll have a great time.  So here's a rollcall of the intact survivors:
Hotel Limpia

Jeff Davis County Courthouse, in the center of town

Fort Davis National Historic Site

Indian Lodge

McDonald Observatory

Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center and Botanical Gardens

Historic structures like the Old Jail

Davis Mountains Lodge and Expeditions (formerly Davis Mountains Education Center)

The entire downtown area, including the Stone Village Market

Please note, it may be several days before the town is really ready for visitors.  Please visit our facebook page, , Marfa Public Radio, or Big Bend Now, for updates.

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