Friday, May 27, 2011

Burned? Brown? West Texas has green places!

Panorama view of Post Park, south of Marathon in Brewster County

Water fowl and song birds!  (click on the photo for a closer view!)
 Some folks think all of Far West Texas is horribly dry or burned, and we say NO!  One off-the-beaten-path oasis, is 5 miles south of MarathonPost Park is a lovely quiet, peaceful place to spend a hot afternoon.  This place was used as a watering area by the Comanche, was the site of a military outpost, and in the Depression, the WPA worked here to create the modern day park.

This is one of the sites on the Far West Texas Wildlife Trail map, as you can see birds and wildlife here every day.  We've seen 50 wild turkey, and a herd of javelina, turtles, fish in the pond, and lots and lots of birds.

Post Park is also the destination of the heritage bike ride, "Ride to the Post," an easy 10 mile out-and-back route.

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