Monday, May 16, 2011

Thanks to many!

"Community" takes many forms, and we're learning that as parts of the region bounce back from the effects of wildfire.  So many folks are pitching in and working hard.  While most of Far West Texas remains untouched--especially the places visitors most enjoy--everyone is working hard to get things back to "normal" as soon as possible.   

One example--the tree planting project to counteract the effect of the Rock House Fire.  Members of the Tierra Grande chapter of Texas Master Naturalists worked with the Texas Forest Service (TFS) to package tree seedlings for the Fort Davis community.  Volunteers wrapped and packaged  tree seedlings of four species grown at TFS nurseries.   One each of Chinkapin Oak, Black Cherry, Flame Sumac and Pinyon Pine were given to residents after a Fire Wise meeting held Thursday evening, May 12th at the Jeff Davis County Courthouse.  Over 2,000 trees were package by the volunteers for county residents.

The Texas Master Naturalist program includes on-going training for its members about the ecology of the region; additionally trainees are asked to give back to the community with volunteer hours toward the conservation of Texas Natural resources.  Master Naturalist volunteers  Laura Belkin, Clare and Gary Freeman, Jill Goodwin, Madge Lindsay, Mary Malmgren,  Robert Steele, Ellen and Lou Weinacht assisted the Texas Forest Service staff  members Oscar Mastes, Patrick Allen, Charles Stair and others who are continuing to help the town recover from wildfire.  

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