Sunday, April 29, 2012

Santa Elena Canyon by Dennis McElveen

We’re excited to share two more spectacular views from our guest photographer, Dennis McElveen from his recent trip to Big Bend National Park.  Santa Elena Canyon is one of the most photographed places in the park, and Dennis captured the area beautifully. 

Dennis shares, “You can see the distant storm in the boiling clouds above Santa Elena canyon. The thunder was rumbling, bouncing off the walls of the canyon making it even more awe-inspiring and giving one a sense of wonderment about traveling/floating in the canyon. “

The park’s website says this about the Santa Elena Canyon Trail: 

Santa Elena Canyon Trail
Difficulty: Moderate; Distance: 1.7 miles round trip
Begins at terminus of the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive
This trail leads into the stunning Santa Elena Canyon. After crossing Terlingua Creek, the trail ascends on paved steps to a vista, then descends back to the water's edge, continuing into the canyon until the canyon walls meet the water. A Big Bend classic. Trail is impassable when Terlingua Creek floods.

Interested in a river trip through Santa Elena Canyon?  Click here.
Interested in other regional hiking opportunities?  Visit our Texas Mountain Trail hiking page:

We thank Dennis for sharing his wonderful images this week.  Interested in seeing more of Dennis’ work?  Contact him at damfoto (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

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