Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Celebrating our 1,500th Post!

Texas Mountain Trail sign marking part of the original 1960s driving route
by David Lee Leggett (www.davidleggett.com)
Our photograph of Marfa's Presidio County Courthouse
Our photo of Day of the Dead festivities in El Paso
Van Horn native, Dan Baeza captures a lovely image
From a series on Six Man Football in West Texas, Sierra Blanca's team
By Rob Hann (www.robhann.com)
Fort Davis photographer, Carolyn Nored Miller
Nursing pronghorn fauns (click on photo for a closer view)
Fort Davis photographer, S. Billingsley
Alpine's Chris Ruggia's Jack Comics (www.jackcomics.com)
Click on the comic for a closer view!
Austin's Rob Hodges captures one of El Paso's murals
Ocotillo captured by Derrick Birdsall
Kristin Muntean at Big Bend National Park's Ernst Tinaja
Two hikers at Santa Elena Canyon in Big Bend National Park
by Clara Maverick Riggs
Big Bend Ranch Rodeo by David Lee Leggett
A historical image from early Van Horn
from the collection of the Clark Hotel Museum
Tiffany Dome in the El Camino Real hotel in El Paso
by Randy Mallory for the Texas Historical Commission

Our photograph of Fort Leaton near Presidio
Red-tailed Hawk by El Pasoan Dennis McElveen
(damfoto at sbcglobal dot net)

More than four years ago, we decided to feature some of the great places in Far West Texas and the six-county region of the Texas Mountain Trail with all of you, and this blog was born.  We hope to continue to inspire you to wonder, appreciate, find adventure in, learn about, preserve, and visit this great place.  With the help of many of YOU, we'd like to have at least 1,500 more days!  Our hats off to the guest photographers over the years (and there are many more than we're showing here) for sharing your lovely work with the rest of us!   Y'all are the BEST!  (click on any of the images to get a closer view!)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:01 PM

    thank you so much for including me!!

    And congrats on your 1500th post, that's awesome!!
