Friday, May 18, 2012

Helping out the Girl Scouts and Camp Mitre Peak

Many girls take their first trip to the Texas Mountains when, as Girl Scouts, they head to Camp Mitre Peak.  Now, those girls (many now mothers and grandmothers!) can help the Camp continue to serve Scouts in the region.

We had the opportunity to ask regional Girl Scout Chief Executive Officer, Diane Flanagan, some questions about the camp:  
Texas Mountain Trail:  Tell us about the history of Mitre Peak Girl Scout Camp and the services it provides to girls in the region.
Diane Flanagan:  The 100 acre camp property was acquired in 1947 from Mrs. A.J. Tippit. Since the purchase, there have been a number of campaigns to raise the fund to improve the facility. Today there are heated cabins, a commercial kitchen and dining hall, and a learning center with an outdoor pavilion. We are celebrating our 65th anniversary this year with an Alumni Reunion at camp on August 9-12, 2012. Everyone is invited.
Texas Mountain Trail:  How did Mitre Peak camp fare in the fires last year?
Diane Flanagan: Last year the fires came right up to the edge of Camp Mitre Peak. We were very fortunate to have fire fighters based on our property and they successfully kept the flames from destroying any buildings. We are very grateful to them.
Texas Mountain Trail:  Is Mitre Peak available for group rentals?
Diane Flanagan: Yes, we love to share our wonderful facility with the public. We have a variety of cabins, dining hall, commercial kitchen, learning center, and other buildings available. If interested, the public can call 800-594-5677 ext.310 for more information.

NOW, the Girl Scouts have a special opportunity to raise funds to help Camp Mitre Peak and New Mexico's Camp Pioneer.  Can YOU help?  Here are the details from the regional Girl Scout Council's website:

"The Abell-Hanger Foundation has granted us a potential $25,000 match for one out of every three new or increased unrestricted dollars received by May 31, 2012. With your help we can raise the $75,000 needed to receive the maximum match from the foundation. You can make your donation on our website, by phone 800-594-5677, or by mail GSDSW, 5217 N. Dixie, Odessa, TX 79762."

Please note, you can also support this grant opportunity by mailing your donation directly to our local volunteer, c/o Beth Francell, P.O. Box 2176, Fort Davis, TX 79734    

Texas Mountain Trail:  These funds raised will go to support the general operating budget of the Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest Council, which also supports the two summer camps in the region--right?.
Diane Flanagan:  Yes, the funds will also help support outdoor experiences for girls at Camp Mitre Peak and Camp Pioneer. Programs are presented at these camps throughout the year... not just in the summer. Troops from all over the council, and the state come to experience camp on nearly every weekend.
Texas Mountain Trail:   Is there a website link where people could go to read more about the
fund-raising challenge and how the Council is funded.
Diane Flanagan:  Our council website is We do not address funding specifically or the matching grant but there is information on our programs and our mission.
We wish the Girl Scouts the best of luck in this most recent campaign, as they help so many girls experience and appreciate the Texas Mountain Trail region!  

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