Friday, May 04, 2012

Wildlife Trail and Cycling Routes Intertwine!

A lone cyclists enjoys the road from Marathon to Post Park, just off Adventure Cycling Association's Southern Tier Route, and part of the Alpine-Marathon Loop of the Far West Texas Wildlife Trail

Our Texas Mountain Trail organization enjoys partnering with others to help visitors find terrific places to explore in Far West Texas.  Case in point is our work with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and our neighboring Texas Pecos Trail in the completion of the state's suite of wildlife trails with our own Far West Texas Wildlife Trail.  You can get the FULL information about all 10 loops and 57 sites here, as all the information is available online.

We also enjoy helping cyclists ride through our region, and have valued our work with Adventure Cycling Association, since their Southern Tier Route stretches through our region, from Marathon to El Paso.  It was a terrific surprise to get an email from our friend, Jennifer Milyko, Adventure Cycling's cartographer recently.  She'd received an email from a cyclist recommending they profile the Far West Texas Wildlife Trails on their blog, and we were more than happy to fill in the blanks!  Here's Jenn's blog entry on the Adventure Cycling Association's blog, "Far West Texas and the Southern Tier."

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