Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Franklin Mountains State Park by Dan Baeza

Franklin Mountains State Park
Photo by Dan Baeza, www.danbaeza.com
This week, we're sharing images from across the region taken by our photography intern, Dan Baeza.  Hailing from Van Horn, Dan is a student at Texas A&M Commerce, and spent three weeks with us, capturing images to share with y'all.

To help us promote our new hiking program, the Peak Fitness Challenge, we asked Dan to visit Franklin Mountains State Park. Hikers and trail runners of all experience and fitness levels are invited to participate. For more information and registration, visit the Challenge website, here!  While he was at the park, he encountered this little lizard, lots of scenic vistas and a cactus flower or two!

Cycling in 1895

We're also celebrating--117 years after the fact--the arrival of famed cyclist, Annie Londonderry to El Paso.  We'll be sharing photos of the city at that time, news clippings and other content related to her visit through the July 4th holiday!

Click on the clipping to read it...it is an account of the arrival of Londonderry printed on June 26, 1895!  For more content, visit our Texas Mountain Trail Facebook page! 

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