Sunday, July 29, 2012

Skyline of Van Horn: Hotel El Capitan

Photo by Dan Baeza,
There's a little hub of history around one corner in Van Horn, which happens to be the precise "Crossroads of the Texas Mountain Trail."  The corner is where each leg of the figure 8 driving route organized to highlight Far West Texas prior to the World's Fair in 1968 in San Antonio meets.  Read more about the origins of the Texas Mountain Trail here.

The corner (Hwy 90, 54 and Broadway Street) has the historic Hotel El Capitan, one of our Texas Mountain Trail cycle-friendly properties; the Clark Hotel Museum; and winner of our first Hospitality Heroes Awards, the Crossroads Coffee Shop.  If you want to get off the freeway, take the SECOND exit at Van Horn on I-10 and head north just two short blocks, and you'll be there!

Thanks to Dan Baeza, for sharing his photos of Van Horn with us all week!

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