Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Van Horn's Clark Hotel Museum by Dan Baeza

This week we're featuring the work of Van Horn native Dan Baeza, documenting the collection of the Clark Hotel Museum.  Dan worked as an intern for the museum for three weeks this summer, as well as for our own Texas Mountain Trail.  Stay tuned for his wonderful photographs of the collection, which tell the story of early life in our region. 

The Clark Hotel was one of Van Horn's longest operating hotels; now it houses the county museum.  Some of the exhibits are tied to the building's life as a hotel.  Before the highway came to town, the front door of the museum was on the north (adjacent to the town's railroad station), but after travelers came mostly by road, the front door of the building was to the south, on Broadway Street.

Stay tuned all week for images from early life in the region, as seen in the collection of the Clark Hotel Museum.  Thanks, Dan, for sharing your images with all of us!

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