Monday, December 31, 2012

Thanks, 2012!

Most popular image in our Texas Mountain Trail
Facebook page, taken in July by Monte Riggs of Marfa
As we close the year, we want to share our thanks with the MANY people dedicated to our little non-profit organization and the Texas mountain communities we serve.  We've been blessed with help from publishers, photographers, videographers, writers, historians, hoteliers, restauranteurs, graphic designers, computer tech folks, regional and state non-profit organizations including our partner Texas Heritage Trail regions, state and national park staff members, museum friends,  the preservation community including the Texas Historical Commission, community champions and of course, our travelers.

Some of the highlights of our year:

Launch of the Peak Fitness Challenge (which might tally over 1,000 miles hiked TODAY!)

Preparation of the second edition of the Far West Texas Wildlife Trail Map (available in 2013)
Social media storytelling projects:  Dining along Historic Highways, Cycling in 1895, with more to come!

Launch of our new website,

Our dining promotion on #FoodieChats on Twitter

Our wonderful photography intern, Dan Baeza, took terrific images of Van Horn and the region, of Cobra Rock Boot Makers (for a social media storytelling project) AND created the Clark Hotel Museum's first-ever website.  (Great job, Dan!)

Daily posts of adventures, heritage, events, and photos right here on the Texas Mountain Trail Daily Photo blog (now more than 1,700 daily entries!) and our Facebook page and Twitter!

Speaking engagements and travel show representation ALL over Texas, enticing travelers to visit the Texas Mountain Trail region!

Launch of our first-ever membership more here, and become a member here! 

MOST OF ALL, our heartiest thanks to all the friends, volunteers and board members who make Texas Mountain Trail what it is today!

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