Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Big Bend Stories

Look closely in Big Bend National Park
and you'll find evidence of past lives
Big Bend National Park's website is full of great stories about its past. 

One of our favorites is here.

One of our favorite passages:

"Houses in La Coyota had wood stoves for cooking. There were no glass windows or screens. The houses did have doors, however, which usually were shut in fear of bandits from Mexico."  Imagine the life!!

Also, in a remembrance from Mrs. German Rivera, "Mrs. Rivera remembers that there was usually running water along Alamo Creek (now a dry wash), which made subsistence farming possible. The families dug ditches to bring surface water runoff into the fields. They raised corn, wheat and many vegetables, as well as hogs and chickens for their own consumption, selling surpluses and tamales to the miners in Terlingua. The road to Terlingua went alongside the creek in those days."

More stories in the History and Culture section of their website, link here.

When you see evidence of the past in the park, stop and take the time to wonder about it!

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