Saturday, March 09, 2013

Hiking in the Guadalupe Mountains

One of the jewels in our region is our own Guadalupe Mountains National Park.  Some national parks are great to drive through...but not this one.  This is a TERRIFIC hiking park, for folks who like to tackle long or short trails.

And through our association with the national park, it is our pleasure to offer a free, fun program to all hikers heading to the Guadalupes.  Join the Peak Fitness Challenge, hike the trails in Guadalupe Mountains National Park and/or El Paso's Franklin Mountains State Park, and the miles you log qualify you for regular prize drawings! 

Our Peak Fitness Challenge participants
 have run or hiked
a combined 1,048 miles!

Challenge participants have
come from all over!

Many of the trails are Texas Mountain Trail Heritage Hikes, meaning they were the location of an historic event, or offer historic scenic vistas. 

Join the Challenge today!

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