Sunday, April 28, 2013

Apache Plume at CDRI

Last week, we enjoyed an impromptu hike at Fort Davis' Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center and Botanical Garden and saw the Apache Plume in bloom in the garden.  Read more about this lovely plant here.

We headed out on the Modesta Trail, too, for a thoroughly satisfying hike around boulders and madrone trees. This 1.75 trail is rated moderate to difficult, but is a great one with permanent springs and interesting geology.
Thanks to Stonewear Designs for their comfy and
ready-for-anything Liberty Skort and Echo top!

1 comment:

  1. When I was a ranger at Guadalupe Mountains N.P. in the 1970's, I always pointed out this plant to visitors and they were always surprised to learn that it was a member of the rose family.

    Beautiful blooms this year. Thanks.
