Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Posting Your Event!

Part of our mission as a non-profit supporting Far West Texas, is to promote worthy events in the region.  Many event organizers approach us about getting their events on our web calendar, on this Daily Photo blog, and on our many social media outlets.  We've produced this easy 2 step guide for qualifying heritage, cultural, and adventure events for organizers working in the six westernmost counties of the state, from Marathon and Big Bend all the way west to El Paso and the state line.

You can view the flyer by clicking on the image to the left, or following this link.

Be sure to start your publicity as soon as you can to attract the most visitors....six month ahead isn't too soon!  Please do complete both Step 1 and Step 2 at least two weeks before your event takes place.  Another tip?  Send us photos, according to instructions.  The .pdf of your flyer or poster is of limited value.  We may only be able to post it on Facebook or Twitter. 

These services are free, although we reserve additional services and exposure for our Texas Mountain Trail business members.  We want to provide information for a wide range of visitors, however some events may not be appropriate for our audience.  We reserve the right to post events as our staff or volunteer time will allow and as deemed suitable for our social media visitors.  We want our visitors (and residents of the region) to know about the VERY BEST events Far West Texas can offer!

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