Saturday, June 22, 2013

Visiting Frijole Ranch with the Texas Mountain Trail

There's a little place in Guadalupe Mountains National Park that will give you a good view of early life in our neck of the woods...Frijole Ranch.  Water was key to survival in our region, and natural springs provided it to early settlers. The area around the ranch did have water, and as you hike Smith Spring trail or visit the history museum now at Frijole Ranch you can still see that water.

Tomorrow, Texas Mountain Trail and volunteers with three chapters of Texas Master Naturalists will be leading guided hikes in the park.  See information and the schedule here.  After you hike with us Sunday morning, stop by the Frijole Ranch in the afternoon and say hello, and learn about early life in the area! 

All our hikes are Peak Fitness Challenge hikes, so sign up online and record your miles on your profile may just win some prizes! 

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