Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Panorama of Marfa Grasslands

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Panorama of Marfa Grasslands by Monte Riggs

Monte Riggs, one of our volunteers in Marfa, posted this on his 90 West (his architectural lighting business) Facebook page.  We liked it so much, we wanted to share it with all of you!

"First light is my favorite. In the desert in the summer it's the coolest time of day, it's the time when birds are active and other wildlife is still active. The nocturnal animals have disappeared but on a recent early bike ride nighthawks were still hunting even after the sun had been up a couple of hours. Saturday morning just north of town I managed to catch that just after dawn amber glow. On the left is Marfa, on the right, the Davis Mountains, just left of center, my shadow pointing pretty much due west."

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