Thursday, October 10, 2013

A List We Don't Want to Be ON, But Are: 10 Best Places for Fall Foliage (But Can't See Now)

Guadalupe Mountains National Park

A list from the National Parks Conservation Association includes our own Guadalupe Mountains National Park:  "The 10 Best Place You Can't See Fall Foliage" because of the national parks closures due to the government shutdown.

Unfortunately, our McKittrick Canyon and Devil's Hall trails (traditionally the best for fall colors) experienced damaging floods in September, and it may take some time for those areas to reopen.  Extra trail crew staff were working hard on McKittrick before the national park closures October 1, so the status of this year's color season is still uncertain.  Take a look at the flooding in McKittrick Canyon, via YouTube:
When the trail reopens, we've been advised it probably won't be rated "easy," but will be safe and passable.  We heard the flooding made many changes to the trail, and hikers might find their "old favorite" could feel new again.  We're excited to see it ourselves! 
As soon as we hear the status of trail work after the parks reopen, we'll share the park's estimated date for visits to McKittrick Canyon.  Stay tuned here, on our Facebook page, and/or our Twitter account!

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