Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Participate in the Christmas Bird Count!

Be a part of the National Audubon Society’s Christmas Bird Count! Each year, volunteers collect data in the Davis Mountains (December 14) and in Balmorhea (December 15) during this international birding event designed to monitor the status of resident and migratory birds in the Western Hemisphere. 

Everyone is invited, and birders of all skill levels are encouraged to participate. See more at our calendar listing, HERE, including contact information for more information and to sign up!

The count will take place in Fort Davis on December 14, and Balmorhea on December 15!

One place to get more information on the Christmas Bird Count is Fort Davis' Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center.

One updated resource for birders and wildlife watchers is just now available...the Far West Texas Wildlife Trail map is now in its second printing, with new sites and updates!  Click here for purchase information!
Be a part of the National Audubon Society’s Christmas Bird Count.  Each year, volunteers collect data in the Davis Mountains (December 14) and in Balmorhea (December 15) during this international birding event designed to monitor the status of resident and migratory birds in the Western Hemisphere.  Everyone is invited, and birders of all skill levels are encouraged to participate. - See more at: http://texasmountaintrail.com/events/christmas-bird-counts#sthash.M2fj03Sb.dpuf

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