Saturday, January 04, 2014

On the Road on the Van Horn Advocate

Each week, our Texas Mountain Trail Executive Director sends the Van Horn Advocate--our home community's local newspaper--a photo and/or information about fun places to visit in Far West Texas.  As a non-profit organization charged with promoting heritage tourism and visitor-ready communities, sharing great places with folks IN the region is as important as sharing great places with folks from far away.

Pick up a copy of the Advocate when you're passing through...the newspaper's office is on Broadway, the main street in town, north of the freeway just two blocks.

Van Horn is an important stop on I-10, and has always been a crossroads.  Not only is it THE crossroads for the historic 1960s original Texas Mountain Trail scenic driving route, but also the Butterfield Overland Stage Route (southern route), the Old Spanish Trail and the Bankhead Highway.

Van Horn's Clark Hotel Museum, photo by Dan Baeza

Van Horn's beautifully
restored 1930s cattlemans
hotel, the El Capitan still
welcomes travelers
Texas Mountain Trail also covers local events like the
wonderful annual Lighted Christmas Parade in Van Horn

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