Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Birding in Big Bend's Rio Grande Village

At the southeastern edge of Big Bend National Park, the Rio Grande Village is a birding bonanza.

It is a site on our Far West Texas Wildlife Trail map, a partnership of our Texas Mountain Trail organization and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.  Information on purchasing a map is HERE.   The entire Big Bend Loop on the map is viewable HERE.

"The campground nature trail has a boardwalk over a spring-fed lagoon. The location is small but the tall trees and water found are irresistible to birds. Look for grebes, herons, egrets, bitterns, night-herons, rails, swallows, Marsh Wren, Common Yellowthroat, and Swamp Sparrow and kingfishers. Carolina Wrens, an eastern species, have taken up residence. Vermilion Flycatchers are easy to observe at the lagoon and in the campground. Several rare to accidental birds have been observed at this location including Ruddy Ground-Dove, Tufted Flycatcher, Piratic Flycatcher, Thick-billed Kingbird, Rufous-backed Robin, Tropical Parula and Black-vented Oriole. In years past, Gray Hawk and Common Black-Hawk have nested along the main road. First to appear in the evening are abundant Lesser Nighthawks, then Common Poor-wills followed by Western Screech-Owl and Elf Owl."

Visit Big Bend's birding page is HERE.

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