Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Historic Markers: Definitely Worth the Stop

Figure 2 Ranch historic marker on
Hwy 54 between Van Horn and Guadalupe Mtns National Park
Along just about any highway in Texas, historical markers invite travelers to stop and learn about the unique history behind the local places.  Today, markers are the product of local enthusiasm and support, and careful review by the Texas Historical Commission

The first state marker was placed in 1884 at the Fayette County Courthouse; today, there are more than 15,000 across the state.  Learn about the history of state historical markers in Texas, here.

1936 marker, photo: THC
In honor of the 100th anniversary of Texas' independence, more than $3 million was set aside in 1935 to erect Centennial Markers.  Learn more about them, here.

Do you know a place in the state that deserves a historic marker?  There's still plenty of time to do the research and submit an application. 

From the THC's website:

"The historical marker process in Texas begins at the county level. After you have reviewed all the relevant information on this page, contact your county historical commission chair if you are interested in submitting an application.

The THC accepts applications for historical markers each fall for the following calendar year. The next application period is from September 1 through November 15, 2014 for 2015 markers. Please note that all marker applications must be approved and submitted by your county historical commission chair or marker chair. "

The historical marker process in Texas begins at the county level. After you have reviewed all the relevant information on this page, contact your county historical commission chair if you are interested in submitting an application.
The THC accepts applications for historical markers each fall for the following calendar year. The next application period is from September 1 through November 15, 2014 for 2015 markers. Please note that all marker applications must be approved and submitted by your county historical commission chair or marker chair. 
- See more at: http://www.thc.state.tx.us/preserve/projects-and-programs/state-historical-markers/apply-historical-marker#sthash.KHy66HEu.dpuf
Learn more about the process, here.

Attend our Tri-County Events Summit this Thursday night!
Big thanks to our sponsors!  Click on the flyer for details!
Stay tuned in the coming days for more information and photos! 

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