Thursday, February 06, 2014

Tiny little cold snap: winter fun in Fort Davis

Why not take a wintry hike at Fort Davis' Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center and Botanical Gardens today?  We rarely get such frosty weather, and it is BEAUTIFUL out here today!

And at the back of the botanical garden, slip into the cactus greenhouse for a little warmth and color!  Seen there today:

Yesterday, we were up at McDonald Observatory yesterday for some meetings with science and nature folk of the Davis Mountains.  It was a rare foggy and chilly day, and the frost was everywhere! At 6,790 feet, it can get cold up there on wintry days.
Seen up at McDonald Observatory yesterday!
Yesterday's foggy approach to McDonald Observatory
Fortunately, road conditions were absolutely normal!
Our little cold snap will be over before we know it, but we'll enjoy it while it is here!

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