Sunday, March 09, 2014

Guided Hikes in Guadalupe Mountains National Park this Spring Break!

Members of three Texas Master Naturalist groups met at
Guadalupe Mountains National Park for training this June,
resulting in interpretive hikes for the public during Fall Colors
season and this week's Spring Break!

A cool place by Smith Spring in Guadalupe Mountains
National Park
Most days during Spring Break this week, there will be hikes led by Texas Master Naturalist volunteers.  Early last summer, members of three chapters of Texas Master Naturalists--from Davis Mtns/Big Bend, El Paso and Midland/Odessa--and organized by our own Texas Mountain Trail trained with rangers at Guadalupe Mountains National Park.  They led hikes during last fall's Fall Colors season and are poised to do the same this Spring Break!  Join us!  Check with rangers at Guadalupe Mountains National Park's Pine Springs Visitor Center for details and schedule!

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