Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Hiking at Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center

The trails at Fort Davis' Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center offer a variety of experiences from easy strolls through the botanical gardens, to historic vistas and scrambling about the rocks of the Davis Mountains.

Take a look at their website for a rundown of their trails.  What better way to feel you're at the top of the world?

All this week the wonderful folks at CDRI are offering special hikes:
  • Wed. March 12th – Desert Plant Adaptions with Leslie Spicer
  • Thurs. March 13th – The Chihuahuan Desert with Cynthia Griffin
  • Fri. March 14th – Desert Plant Adaptions with Leslie Spicer
  • Sat. March 15th – Ethnobotany with Susan Penney

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