Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Museum for Travelers and a Cycling Event for Everyone!

Today we're featuring the photography of Dan Baeza showcasing the Clark Hotel Museum in Van Horn.  The museum tells the story of early travel in Far West Texas and the history of Van Horn and Culberson County, which is steeped in cross-country travel and hospitality to travelers.

Read more about the Clark Hotel Museum, and the "Front to back, back to front" story here

We want to give everyone EARLY notice of a great cycling event in our Texas Mountain Trail region, a fundraiser for the Food Pantry of Jeff Davis County.  Mark your calendars and start planning to take part in the October 4th, Wheels and Heels for Meals event!  Participants will be raising support for the Food Pantry as part of their involvement in the event...which is definitely a WIN/WIN/WIN!!

From the calendar entry on our Texas Mountain Trail regional events calendar: 
Wheels/Heels for Meals is a charity bike ride from the Food Pantry of Jeff Davis County to Valentine and back. Other shorter rides are also available. There are 2 pit stops along the way and lunch is served in Valentine. This year, a walk has been added. The entry may walk 2 to 8 miles. At the end of the day, there is the traditional cook out at Dolce Far Niente. - See more at: http://texasmountaintrail.com/events/fort-davis-wheelsheels-meals#sthash.yLHMoPnx.dpuf
Wheels/Heels for Meals is a charity bike ride from the Food Pantry of Jeff Davis County to Valentine and back. Other shorter rides are also available. There are 2 pit stops along the way and lunch is served in Valentine. This year, a walk has been added. The entry may walk 2 to 8 miles. At the end of the day, there is the traditional cook out at Dolce Far Niente. - See more at: http://texasmountaintrail.com/events/fort-davis-wheelsheels-meals#sthash.yLHMoPnx.dpuf

"Wheels/Heels for Meals is a charity bike ride from the Food Pantry of Jeff Davis County to Valentine and back. Other shorter rides are also available. There are 2 pit stops along the way and lunch is served in Valentine. This year, a walk has been added. The entry may walk 2 to 8 miles. At the end of the day, there is the traditional cook out at Dolce Far Niente."

Sound like fun?  Put this one on your calendar and stay tuned for more information throughout the year!

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