Thursday, December 08, 2005

Ranching on the Last Frontier

There's a great exhibit at the Museum of the Big Bend in Alpine through January 22, of photographs from this Texas A&M Press book byJune Van Cleef. The photos are terrific. What better way (on a cold day, especially!) to get an insider look at ranch life in our area? You'll recognize many of the views, as most of the photographs were taken right here in the Big Bend area.

(The opening last Friday was great fun, in part because so many of the ranchers Van Cleef photographed were in attendance. It was a little surreal to see a rancher peer at his own photograph on the gallery wall!)

Visit the Museum of the Big Bend

Van Cleef's photos are also now on display at the Marfa Book Company in Marfa.

More about this book
Books are available at the Museum, Texas A&M Press and regional booksellers (including Front Street Books in Alpine and Marathon, and Marfa Book Company in Marfa.)

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