Friday, October 30, 2009

From Above!

For the next three days, we'll be featuring photographs from an exhibition showing at El Paso's Centennial Museum on the UTEP campus.

Here's a description of the show:

From Above: Images of a Storied Land
Showing through January 15, 2009

The exhibition, created by the Center for Desert Archaeology in collaboration with the Albuquerque Museum of Art and History, features 28 large-format aerial photographs by Adriel Heisey. The images convey the beauty, mystery, and fragility of past human activity on the Southwestern landscape.

Heisey photographs ancient and modern landscapes from a unique vantage point: the open seat of his tiny, experimental Kolb TwinStar airplane, soaring above the earth to capture the imprints that both ancient and modern cultures have left on the landscape.

Heisey’s aerial photographs have been featured in numerous publications, including Arizona Highways, New Mexico Magazine, National Geographic, American Photo, Photo Life, Whole Earth, Journal of the Southwest, and Nature Conservancy.

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