Monday, January 03, 2011

Socorro Mission on our Mission Trail

This is our second of five days this week featuring the El Paso County Mission Trail, and today we're showing Socorro Mission and the adjacent cemetery.  The building is on the National Register of Historic Places.

From the El Paso Mission Trail Association website, a bit of its history: "The Rio Grande played havoc on the locations of this charming mission.  It took its name from Socorro of the North (New Mexico).  The Piro Indians fled this area after the Pueblo Revolt of 1860 and established their new home.  Sixty Piro families along with fifteen Spanish families dedicated the mission to Nuestra Senora de Limpia Concepcion de los Piros de Socorro del Sur (Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of the Piros of Socorro of the South).  
      In 2005 the mission completed a 10 year restoration that showcases some original cypress roof supports called vigas (beams) that were decorated by the Piro Indians.  The striking architecture reflects the vibrant local community with numerous historic haciendas within walking distance:  Casa Apodaca, The Bookery, Casa Ortiz, and Casa Carbajal."

See how the craftsman echoed the architecture of the mission in the grave's marker?  The Mission is still home for an active congregation, and a respectful stroll through the cemetery reveals a great deal about the community still using the mission as its church.

Tomorrow, we'll feature photographs from the restoration, plus provide a link to some neat 1936 photographs of the Mission now in the Historic American Buildings Survey in the Library of Congress!

You can visit the missions on your own, or take advantage of a new tour service...for more information, click here.

Note:  Wednesday is a special day for us, and we'll take a break in the series on the El Paso Mission Trail to celebrate our 1000th post in this blog!


  1. I have been enjoying your daily blog very much and I appreciate you sharing your photos and outdoor adventures with us very much. I share your blog with my 7th grade students almost every day as a way to start class and to learn a little more about Texas mountains and its outdoor opportunities.

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words! It is always so great to hear from is especially WONDERFUL to know you're sharing the images with your students! Let us know if you have any images you'd like to see, or if there are places you'd like to learn more about...if we can help, we will!

  3. Every year, I take my 7th grade students and their parents on a 3 day camping trip to the Guadalupe Mountains. Our goal is to hike to the highest point in Texas, Guadalupe Peak. Over 100 kids each year have hiked the peak for over the last 20 years. I am so proud of them and many get bitten by the hiking and camping bug and turn it into a hobby. So, we enjoy anything on your blog that makes us more aware of the great outdoors of West Texas and beyond. Your blog archive is invaluable for us to research and discuss in class. Thanks, again!
