Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"Good for the Soul" Mini-Break, Brewster County Courthouse in Alpine

 If you want to take a 10 minute departure from your day in Alpine, consider popping your head into the 1887 Brewster County Courthouse in the center of town.  Built in the American Second Empire style, this beautiful structure was listed in the National Register in 1978.  Thought to have been built with local brick, it is among the oldest buildings in Alpine. Inside you'll find wonderful photographs of early life and development in the area.  Spend some time with these photographs, and you'll come away with a greater appreciation of the strength and resilience displayed by early residents.  You'll see some amazing photographs of early ranch life and buildings of the area.
The Courthouse is also on Historic Alpine's Walking and Windshield Tour of the city.  Here's a link to some historic photographs of the courthouse on Historic Alpine's website.   Read more about Brewster County history here.  Check this link for information on the building of the courthouse.
Today's Feature:  Taking Amtrak to Alpine
Many visitors enjoy getting to the Texas Mountain Trail region by train, as Amtrak stops are possible in Alpine and El Paso.  Alpine's train station is just a couple of blocks from the Brewster County Courthouse.  Alpine is on the Texas Eagle and the Sunset Limited Routes.

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