Saturday, June 18, 2011

Important Discovery: An 11,000 Year Old Paleoindian Site in the Big Bend

Are you fascinated by early history and archaeology?  Want to learn about the biggest discoveries?  We've got a place for you...the Center for Big Bend Studies, on the campus of Sul Ross State University in Alpine.

Deep below the surface of the desert, at a "needle in a haystack" location at the foot of a mountain in rural Brewster County, the Genevieve Lykes Duncan site was discovered by the Center for Big Bend Studies a few months ago.  There are components from the Early Paleoindian (ca. 9500 BC to 8200 BC) and Late Paleoindian (ca. 8200 BC to 6500 BC) cultures.  Early hearths were found, as well as debitage (debris from stone tool manufacture), scattered charcoal and bits of bone.  The site will require much more study to learn all it has to offer scientists and scholars.

Yes, we're teasing you with this information, because we want to encourage you to become a member of the Center for Big Bend Studies and receive their detailed newsletter on early regional history and archaeology.  Their most recent newsletter, Volume 22 of La Vista de la Frontera, talks about the get it, you need to join.  Memberships start as low as $35, but that's a bargain as you'll be the first to learn more about this exciting discovery! 

Want to get a taste before you sign up?  Previous issues of the newsletter are all available for download FREE of charge, here!

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