Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A delicious lunch pulled from the saddlebag!

We leave our horses for the shade of a canyon, while Janelle pulls a delicious lunch from the saddlebags!
Janelle carves and entire roast chicken for our lunch!
Black bean and corn salad, carrots, cheese and crackers, roast chicken!  Yum!
By the time lunch came, we were more than ready.  The day's heat was climbing and we took refuge in a canyon Janelle said had been dubbed, "Lunchbox Canyon."  Here we sat next to the canyon walls, in the shade, enjoying a few moments of quiet while Janelle pulled a delicious lunch out of her saddlebags.

Next, our afternoon on the Rio Grande....the "paddle" portion of this one-day Saddle/Paddle Adventure on the Rio Grande!

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