Friday, September 16, 2011

Our float down the Rio Grande, through Big Bend Ranch State Park with Big Bend River Tours!

All week we've been featuring our recent one-day Saddle/Paddle tour with Lajitas Stables and Big Bend River Tours down on the Rio Grande in Big Bend Ranch State Park.

Some of us like to travel solo.  Others like to take a tour...and when you've got a good guide, they can definitely add value to your experience.  This was the case with Janelle, our "saddle" guide, and with John, our "paddle" guide.

As we traveled down the river, John deftly read his charges...letting us appreciate the quiet, while pointing out interesting wildlife and geological formations along the way.  His enthusiasm for the region and for the river was infectious, and when we asked questions, his knowledged deepened our experience.  Not only could he tell us about the flora and fauna of the riverside, but he spoke knowledgably about the restaurants and nightspots in Terlingua and Study Butte--we were working up an appetite! 

All too soon, the Big Bend River Tours truck came into view, and it was time to leave the river.  We know we'll be back to enjoy another leisurely paddle when the river level is low, or a rolicking trip on a raft when the flow is higher and faster.  Either way, we'll know we'll have a terrific day.

Our thanks to both Lajitas Stables and Big Bend River Tours, and to Janelle and John!  We'll be back!

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