Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wildlife studies at one of our gateways--Balmorhea State Park with Texas Master Naturalists

A softshell turtle from the canal
Double-click on any of these photos for a closer view!
Dr. Chris Ritzi, of Sul Ross State University presented an overview of the insect world and led us on our own specimen collecting adventure

Fresh water crayfish, the endangered Comanche Springs pupfish, and other aquatic life from the canal at Balmorhea State Park
Last weekend, we spent time at one of our gateway attractions, Balmorhea State Park, just outside our region.  We were there with the Tierra Grande Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalists, learning about ichythology, ecological concepts and soils, and entomology, and the issues and species in our region.  After a lecture on the various species of bees, beetles and other insect life, Sul Ross State University's Dr. Chris Ritzi, gave us each an insect net and showed us how to capture and inspect individual species.

We highly recommend the Texas Master Naturalist Program for anyone who wants to learn about nature in their own region.  And we recommend you take a stroll down the canals and to the cienega, on your next visit to Balmorhea State Park.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a great place for El Paso area families to visit. It also looks educational for the kids. Thanks for the info.

    We're going to include it on our list of El Paso things to do on our website
