Saturday, October 08, 2011

Photos from Wheels for Meals...a great ride!

Along the route..incredible scenery and
plenty of support!
Tiny cyclists..big mountains!
Wheels for Meals cyclists leave Fort Davis

Here's a great cycling event to add to your calendar for next fall.  Great cycling on part of Fort Davis' Scenic Loop, from Fort Davis to the little town of Valentine and back, terrific riding companions, 88 miles of fun (or fewer if you like), good sag and support, and a wonderful cause!  What could be better?!?

Wheels for Meals raises unrestricted funds for the Food Pantry of Jeff Davis County, a grassroots, 501c3 organization providing supplemental food, school lunches and school supplies for eligible children and families who are residents of Jeff Davis County.

Here's a riders' guide on the route, the cause, and raising funds for this worthy cause from this year's race. 

This ride took place last Saturday, October 1.  Come join the fun next year as a rider or volunteer and help a worthy cause! 

Thanks to our friend, Pete Szilagyi for sharing his photos with everyone!

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