Friday, January 06, 2012

Mount Livermore, 1914.

More from the 1914 journal of UT Botany instructor, Mary Sophie Young.
From August 14, 1914:

"We finally lost the trail and, as we had no idea which was Mt. Livermore, aimed for the most attractive looking mountain.  We certainly did some climbing, and Carey with the two canteens must have had a hard time.  We went up a very steep long slope, then around the top of that small mountain, only to find ourselves cut off from the next mountain, the one with high rock bluffs topping it, by deep ravines.  We made our way partly around the canyons them where they were not so very deep."

"Of course, there are no trails in these mountains, but what makes them so hard to climb is the fact that long grass and shrubby plants cover the rocks and loose stones in many places so that one is very much impeded.."

Young's journal selection comes from this book, published by Texas A&M Press.

Visit Mount Livermore in The Nature Conservancy's Davis Mountains Preserve during Open Days and Open Weekends.  We'll post the 2012 schedule as soon as we receive it on our events calendar.

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