Friday, April 27, 2012

Dennis McElveen's Big Bend

Our guest photographer, Dennis McElveen shares beautiful series of a Red-tailed Hawk from his recent trip to Big Bend National Park.  Even though the Red-tailed Hawk may be the most common in the U.S., seeing one up close is still a magnificent sight. 

Says Dennis, “the Hawk was just off the trail sitting on the sotol stalk. We stood and watched him for quite a while. He didn't leave until we got ever so close. Beautiful raptor.” 

Learn more about the Red-tailed Hawk here.  
A great blog to learn about birding in the Big Bend is

Big Bend National Park has several birding and wildlife watching sites included on the Far West Texas Wildlife Trail, a joint project of the Texas Mountain Trail and Texas Parks and Wildlife.  Here’s a link to the BigBend Loop of that Trail.

We thank Dennis for sharing his wonderful images this week.  This is our first post of a week of great photos. Interested in seeing more of Dennis’ work?  Contact him at damfoto (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

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